Meet the Pastors who have been teaching Bible Doctrine for over 100 years combined.
The Pastors at our church have bible knowledgeable and are experienced at teaching the Word of God. All combined, they have over 100 years of wisdom concerning the doctrine that has been sought out many years ago. They delight in helping to win souls for Christ and serving God's people.
We will Preach tirelessly the Everlasting, life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ as the only hope for eternal life.
Search for: "The Church of God of the Union Assembly" via YOUTUBE / FACEBOOK @ Dalton Services
Stoney Kiser - Debbie K.
Pastor Stoney became the pastor in 2014. He is a very caring & compassionate pastor who comes from a family that dedicated their life to the church. He plays the lead guitar in the church & sings...basically church work has been his life from a very early age. He is very versed of the Bible & the doctrine of our church. He rejoices to see one more soul give their heart & life to Jesus Christ. He loves the congregation & wants each one to know they have a part in the church. He is married to the love of his life, Debbie.
Dale Brewer - Debbie B.
Dale Brewer became our Assistant Pastor in 2010. Dale comes from a family of ministers, singers & musicians. His dad (Ollen Brewer) ironically traveled with Pastor Stoney's grand-dad (Dennis Smith) in the hills of Tennessee singing & preaching for years. Dale is so faithful to step up when the pastor needs him. Dale loves people & gladly serves the congregation. He celebrated 50 years as a minister, & 50 years of marriage to his lovely wife, Debbie in 2022.
Landon Hughes - Leslie
Landon Hughes became Youth Pastor of our church in 2010. Landon comes from a very large family (John & Annie Hughes- Grandparents) of people lovers. He feels his calling is to help the youth. He, Leslie (wife) & other staff take the youth on trips, summer camp & provide time for other activities on the campus of our church. They have three children (two still live at home), so they are very acquainted with temptations & problems that the youth may experience.
Also, meet the staff who works so faithfully to help the Pastors & this great church win souls for Christ & strengthen those who remain...thank you to all who work so faithfully for the church!
Sundays @ 10:15 A.M. Bible Lessons for Ages (4-12) which include reading, working word find puzzles, coloring & Q & A.
Adult Choir Practice is held on Wed. Evenings (after the Church service).
Young Men's Bible Study - 2nd Thursday/monthly @ 7:00 p.m. @ the back section of the church.
Joybelles - Ladies of our Church meet on the 2nd Sat./monthly @ 2 p.m. for fellowship @ Ryman Hall
Rock Solid Youth Ages: 11 & Up
Sun.: 6:00 p.m. & Wed.: 7:00 p.m.
Youth Pastor: Landon Hughes
Greeters: At the Front Entrance
Director: Lisa Worsham
The youth participate in the Easter Drama & Christmas Play. Director: Skipper McCollum
The youth work in the technical/lighting booth.
Herbie Singleton & Staff
Reba Kennedy & Staff
Chairman of Deacons
Waylan Hall
V. Chairman of Deacons
Jerome Akins
Sound Booth:
Lemuel Ray Faulknor & Staff
Rosella Faulknor & Amanda Pratt
"Anchored in Christ"
Drama Team: Stephanie McCollum
Love Thy Neighbor Meals Through Share Baskets:
Reba Kennedy
Community Services: Sonja Hall & Cheryl Faulknor
Wee Rock Nursery: Leslie Hughes
"A Safe, Clean Environment for Your Little Ones."
Available for: Ages 4 and below
*Due to circumstances, the nursery may not always be available on Sundays for the a.m. service...sorry for any inconvenience this may cause...thanks.
Thanks for visiting our site!! "Look Up And Live" and May God Richly Bless You...
Church Clerk:
Delana Carson
Ryman Hall:
Regina Bell