How to Find Us
DIRECTIONS to the Church & Services Times
2211 S. Dixie HWY
Dalton, GA 30720
Directions to the Church of God of the Union Assembly in Dalton, GA located at: 2211 S. Dixie Hwy., Dalton, GA 30720 are not difficult.
We are located off Highway 41 which is a very familiar highway in northern Georgia. The church is basically located on the south outskirts of Dalton and has been at this location since 1964.
Driving Directions to the Dalton church:
From the intersection of Walnut Ave. and South Dixie Hwy. (Thornton Ave.), go 2 miles south on South Dixie Hwy and the church is on the left.
From the intersection of Conn. 3 (South Bypass) & South Dixie Hwy., go 3 miles north on South Dixie Hwy. and the church is on the right.
Office: 706-278-7729
Fax: 706-272-0199
Mail: PO Box 576, Dalton, GA 30722
"I WAS glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD".
Now that the directions to the church are provided: What will the Church Service be like?
It is a common practice for a church service to include music & songs and the's no different here. But many times to our delight, Pastor Stoney strikes out singing an old church song during his preaching, such as "Amazing Grace how Sweet the Sound that Saved a Wretch Like Me"...and many in the congregation sing along without any music for a BEAUTIFUL sound which seems to be reaching into heaven.
Our church is known for great singers, so a congregational hymn harmonizing so well is not unusual. It has been said, Funeral Directors have fought over who were coming to our church (when there was a funeral) to hear the singing.
Another common practice is when the church claps their hands along with the singing while enjoying the presence of the Lord which adds to the joy that is felt..."Clap Your Hands All Ye People...Rejoice and Be Glad"!
The Pastor wants each member to feel they have a part in the service and when people sing and clap their hands together in the church service, they are participating.
Don't you want to enjoy feeling the presence of the Lord and be in heaven when your life on earth is over?
Our beautiful sanctuary has plenty of spacing for social distancing.
Pastor Stoney Kiser, and First Lady, Debbie offers a gracious invitation to come visit soon.
This could be the dawn of a new day for you...TAKING A STEP TOWARD JESUS & JESUS TAKING A STEP TOWARD YOU!!
"SINNING WHEN ALONE CAN BE EASY BUT WORSHIPPING ALONE CAN BE DIFFICULT"...deeper spiritual relationships lie within the church.